Creative Thinking: Employability Skills for the Future.

By Andrew Hopkins

One of the biggest predictions for the future of employment, especially in light of the ever-increasing use of technology and automation, is that creativity and creative thinking will be one of the top professional skills most sought-after by employers.

However, don’t be fooled into thinking that creativity and creative thinking is just limited to artistic types. It is actually a skill that anyone can nurture and develop.

Why is creative thinking so important for the future?

With robotics and AI progressing in leaps and bounds, we can’t deny that automation will be the core to the life that’s awaiting all of us. However, humanity’s ability to be innovative, imaginative and develop creative solutions are not something that can be replicated by machines.

In fact, creativity has long been a staple for human survival; allowing us to improve quality of life and push beyond the status quo.

With this in mind, employers will revere those potential candidates who can hone their creative thinking skills and facilitate the need for adaptability as the future of working evolves.

So, what is creative thinking?

Creativity and creative thinking are the ability to consider something in a new way – thinking outside the box. It often involves lateral thinking and the ability to pick out solutions which are not always obvious.

This could mean unearthing a new approach to a problem, devising different ways to carry out tasks, offering conflict resolution suggestions and effectively presenting fresh and sometimes unorthodox perspectives to your role.

Whether you are looking for a technical job or something more artistic, there are countless ways to display the valued skill of creative thinking in any environment. Therefore, it’s worth considering this when you complete your application or prepare for an interview.

You don’t need to be an artist for your role to require an artistic flourish. Perhaps you need to arrange retail displays for maximum effect, design punchy emails or draft an influential phone script for utmost impact.

Every business and field of work needs people who are creative problem solvers. These innovative employees seek out new solutions instead of accepting the norm, and this can result in business-critical overhauls such as money saving methods or enhanced consumer satisfaction.

The key types of creative thinking you might see in any workplace can include:

So, when you’re applying for a job, think about the main ways in which your creative nature has previously helped you and how it can be a benefit to your prospective employer.