National Careers Week is an annual UK event. This year it runs from 7-12 March 2022 and celebrates career guidance for young people, helping them to explore different career paths.
Here at WREC, we have prepared a schedule of short, 30min, online zoom events with various members of the team talking about their previous careers paths. These include healthcare, manufacturing, teaching, performing, side hustles and more .. Full details can be found on our Facebook page or through this link.
The online events are in addition to activities within our centres and local communities where we have a Meet & Mingle event in Worthing and Traineeship presentation in Dorset.
Whether you can attend an event or not, we are always on hand to help you find the right new career direction. If it’s not something we deliver ourselves, we will help you find someone in your area who does so feel free to use our contact sheet anytime to get in touch.